A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Author: <span>Kerux</span>

Author: Kerux

Safety and Security at Englewood/Batchawana

Safety and Security at Englewood/ Batchawana On Tuesday, October 8th, Batchawana and Englewood Housing residents met in the Seminary Auditorium for a Safety and Security Meeting.  In attendance at the meeting were Calvin College’s Director of Campus Safety, Bill Corner, and Grand Rapids Police Officer, Joshua Mollen. The Residents had … ∞

In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Cari Fydirchuk I’m pursuing my Master of Divinity at Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) through the Distance Education Program.  My full-time “job” is being … ∞

In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Jason Terpstra I am a third year student in the Masters of Divinity program with a concentration in youth and family ministry.  I … ∞

2013 Seminary Picnic

On Wednesday, September 11, the CTS community gathered for its annual picnic. Despite the light rain shower early on, it ended up being a wonderful evening. Students, staff, and faculty gathered for food and fellowship. There were also two inflatable play areas and cotton candy for children. As the phrase … ∞

Stromata Editors

Jonathan Owens Hometown: Irving, TX Favorite Aspect of CTS: I greatly appreciate the care and friendship offered by the staff and faculty Best place to study: On-Campus, the Quite Study Room – it’s convenient between classes.  Off-Campus, home – so that I can take a break from studying and play with … ∞

Kerux Editorial Team

Juliana Bosma Hometown: I was born and raised in a small hamlet called Neerlandia, which is in Northern Alberta, Canada. My favorite aspect of CTS has definitely been the community events: Christmas Potluck, BBQ’s, Intermural sports teams, Chapel and Donuts… etc Best place to study and why: My favorite place … ∞

In the Spotlight

New Student Spotlight: Boram Kwon The Kerux: So Boram, you are a new student here at Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) who started in Spring 2013 semester.  How did you hear about CTS and what made you choose it? Boram: My husband was already studying at CTS and many people encouraged … ∞

J-Term in Mexico

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief This January, Joe Hamilton and I accompanied Dr. Rylaarsdam on a trip to La Comunidad Teológica de México, an ecumenical Protestant theological school in Mexico City, Mexico to teach a course on the theology of the liturgical year. It was an interesting topic, chosen by the … ∞