A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Author: <span>Kerux</span>

Author: Kerux

Light in the Night at Calvin College: A Christian Educator’s Perspective

by Ferry Yang, M.Div. On Saturday night, October 27th, 2012, an event called “Light in the Night” was presented at the Calvin College Knollcrest East Apartments.  It was the 18th annual celebration.  In the flyer there was a quote from Psalm 119:105 that says: “Thy word is a lamp unto … ∞

Taking the “Ug” out of Ugaritic

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief While many of us here at seminary complain about how much work we have to do, many of our professors impressively balance rigorous teaching loads while also performing incredible feats of research and publishing. Michael Williams is a prime example of this incredible ability to do … ∞

Pancake Breakfast

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief   Nothing inspires the mind to enjoy a sunny fall Saturday afternoon quite like a hearty serving of pancakes.  Laura Guichelaar and Ashley Stam, well aware of this timeless factoid, used a fellowship grant from Student Senate to host a pancake breakfast on the morning of … ∞

Student Senate Book Sale

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief   This past Wednesday, October 24, you may have noticed the piles and piles of books on sale for very (very) reasonable prices in the Student Senate room in the Student Center.  The Student Senate Book Sale is a yearly fundraiser in which Student Senate sells … ∞

Bavinck Conference, “Doctrine for Proclamation and Mission”

by John Bolt, Professor of Systematic Theology   The first Bavinck Conference,  “A Pearl and a Leaven: Herman Bavinck for the 21st Century,” held at the Prince Center in September 2008, celebrated the centenary of Bavinck’s Stone Lectures on the Philosophy of Revelation and the completed English translation of his … ∞

The Truth is One: A Reflection on the Importance of Interdisciplinary Studies

by Dylan Pahman, ‘012, M.T.S Abraham Kuyper famously said that “no single piece of our mental world is to be hermetically sealed off from the rest.” His conviction is grounded in what follows: “and there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which … ∞

Clubs At CTS

Do you find yourself sitting in your office chair, twiddling your thumbs, wondering what to do with all your talents, passions, free time, and love of group activities? Probably not. But you should still join one of CTS’s great clubs anyways. This year students have a wide variety to choose … ∞