A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Category: <span>Features</span>

Category: Features

Nehemiah is a funny book

You have two books with, basically, the same story. Ezra likely, mentions Nehemiah, and Nehemiah describes Ezra as the one reading the law. However, I’m not here to discuss the historical dating of Ezra and Nehemiah; I simply think it’s a funny… thought? This time going through the book, I … ∞


Introduction It is evident that every individual has his/her daily routines, but most of our routines depend on what makes our life better – for example, we bath always, we brush our teeth sometimes twice a day, we eat all the time we are hungry, we go to work every … ∞

An Honourable Prayer

Today I want to talk about a guy named Jabez. I was first introduced to him years ago in Bruce Wilkinson’s book “The Prayer of Jabez.“ This man Jabez is found in the middle of a long list of genealogies that start in 1 Chronicles 1 and for the next … ∞

Seek First The Kingdom

Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I always read this text and get out of it with this understanding that; “If I should devote myself to kingdom business with effort to attend righteousness, I will … ∞

For Such A Time As This

—a bitter humor— A blessing run amok I did not ask for this: Beautiful and appalling. Volatile, voiceless Disturbing reality of a God gone silent for such a time as this. I did not ask for this: Abandoned, reaching, trembling. “Cursed be Haman!” “Blessed be Mordecai!” I’m drunk, it all … ∞


But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). The term “glass” in the scripture above is the Greek “katoptrizomai,” and it … ∞