A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Category: <span>Volume 47</span>

Category: Volume 47

All Seminary Picnic

by Matthew Koh, editor-in-chief Every weather forecast predicted rain on the evening of Wednesday, the 5th of September. That whole day, eyes were cast to the sky, every grey cloud hanging ominously in the minds of the Seminary community. But come 5:30, the heavens were still zippered shut, an answer … ∞

Gateway Into Seminary

by Juliana Bosma, M.A. ’14 The Gateway Orientation was very much as the name implies: A gateway or entrance inviting us into a room of more possibilities and discussion here at Seminary. All the planning and paperwork it took to prepare for our time here was a long and grueling … ∞

Reflections on Pastoral Ministry Internships (1)

by Michael Ten Haken, M.Div. ’13 Each Master of Divinity student at Calvin Theological Seminary is required to have a 10-week Pastoral Ministry Internship (PMI) as part of their program. These PMI’s happen in a variety of geographic locations and church settings. Some churches are currently without pastors in which … ∞