Here are some thoughts from the Senate Executive team on their hopes for Senate next year. President Brian Tarpy hopes that Senate will fully represent all members of the CTS community. He explains, “My vision for Senate is to faithfully represent both residential and distance students at Calvin Theological Seminary. Specifically, to foster an atmosphere of Christian community, to be a safe place for students to air their grievances, and to be an advocating voice for them. In summary, I see Student Senate as a group of students who care about what the students they represent care about.”
Vice President Robert Van Zanen echoes these goals, and also states his hopes to “Improve the overall student attitude toward Student Senate and CTS and create a positive atmosphere of dialogue between students, staff, faculty and administration on issues that are important to students. I also hope we are able to build community between students through effective and engaging events.” Treasurer Paula Seales hopes to work alongside the Dean of Students and Admissions to establish a Big Brother, Big Sister mentoring program for new students in their first semester. Secretary Monica Brands hopes to increase awareness of Senate to the study body, and to identify concrete changes which Senate can be a part of actualizing at CTS.
We’re so excited to be your executive team! We’re looking forward to working with next year’s senators. We hope you will participate in next year’s elections! Think about who to nominate, and whether you might be called to serve in this way.