
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


Space to Wonder by Amanda Hays

I followed the others into the conference room with a tight knot in my stomach. This was the room at Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services where the CPE students and supervisors would meet for twelve hours each week this summer. We would be learning by listening to lectures, sharing … ∞

In Absentia

I am graduating from CTS this semester.  So, I received the following CTS email notification: “Commencement participation is required of all graduates.  If you have a special circumstance, you must apply to graduate in absentia.”  First, I was surprised that a function, which is nothing more than mere pageantry, would be mandatory.  Then, I … ∞

Analyzed by Augustine

I found it particularly amusing when, during my time in seminary, I was asked to write an analysis on Augustine.  It seemed a little presumptuous to think I could analyze anything written by Augustine, even after an undergraduate from Calvin College and a nearly complete Master of Divinity.  A more … ∞

New Toastmasters President

Recently Calvin Seminary Toastmaster’s club confirmed Bradley Diekema as its new President. Diekema takes over from Toastmaster’s veteran Hannah Smele who will be graduating with an M.Div this year. Brad is excited to continue growing in his mastery of toasts and hopes you will join him every 2nd and 4th Monday … ∞

My Experience at CTS

After being asked to write about my experience at Calvin, a joke kept coming to mind. “A Calvinist was walking down the stairs. They tripped, tumbled down and broke their arm. Afterwards they got up and said, ‘Well that’s over with.’” Besides being satirical, it reminded me of my experience … ∞

Stress and Faith Formation

Stress can really bring students down. Especially when there are graduation plans, paying attention to calls from churches, PhD applications, and  staying in touch with the Calvin Theological Seminary Registrars office. Yeah, that’s exciting, but stressful. What happens to the ongoing faith formation? For students who have a few more years … ∞

Theological Desserts

Graduating from the MDiv program to  pursue aThM degree is further training and development like adding another course to the MDiv meal. When I graduated from the MDiv program last May I was elated, eagerly expecting God to open a door for ministry when I woke up the next day. … ∞

Pub Theology

What do beer, Jesus, and justice have in common? “They’re some of my favorite things,” quipped Ricardo Tavarez who studies at Calvin Seminary and attended a Pub Theology gathering with the CRC’s Office of Social Justice in April. Pub theology is a way to have open conversations about things that … ∞