
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


Become an Editor!

Dear Kerux Readers, Its been a good year of compelling, interesting, and informative articles on Marriage and Singleness, Diversity, Testimonies, and in this edition, Looking Back: Experiences at CTS. The team have had fun planning, recruiting, editing and doing layout together. We are very grateful for the various writers who … ∞

Bob’s Journey to Seminary

My journey to seminary began in high school when I attended the Facing Your Future program. Every summer, Calvin Theological Seminary offers this program to high school students who are trying to discern God’s call in their lives. Most often, these students are considering ministry of some sort. During the … ∞

Hannah’s Prayer for CTS

Dear Lord: I pray Lord that you would continue to bring to Calvin Seminary a diversity of students and perspectives so that we will fully represent the spectrum of your church. I pray Lord that all women who enter the doors would feel affirmation of who they are, as they … ∞

Senate Elections: What??

You may or may not realize that Student Senate elections have been postponed. You may or may not know that they have been postponed because of a lack of nominations for the senate positions. Due to the lack of nominations, half of the regularly held senate elections (2nd and 3rd … ∞

(Int)entional Conversations: Senate Hospitality Update

If you heard peals of laughter coming from the upstairs classrooms on the Friday before Reading Week, it was probably the international discussion group.  The group is hosted by Student Senate’s Hospitality Committee. While we laughed many times, perhaps we all laughed the hardest when one international student asked, “Am … ∞

Surprise – A Call Story

What brought me to Calvin Seminary? Honestly, in a name, God. I remember one day in November, walking on the Calvin College path between the library and the Commons Annex, and looking out onto the sugar maple tree that sits off to the southwest side of the Commons field, when … ∞