
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


A Moving Statistic: Reflecting on the CCDA

As I attended this year’s Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) conference held here at Calvin March 5th through the 7th, I could not believe what I was hearing. Michigan has over 700 collateral consequences for incarceration. Simply put, collateral consequences are sanctions and disqualification that are placed on offender as … ∞


We the editors want to hear from you, yes you, not someone else, you! Kerux hope and plans on being a place where your ideas, opinions, and questions can be discussed and considered. However, in order to do that, we need your input. Please write a response to an article, … ∞

Traverez, Changing the World, and Commenting on Kerux

Ricardo Tavarez’s piece “Red,  White, and Blue,” previously shared at a Town Hall last semester, which reflects on his personal experience with racial profiling as it relates to race in this country.   Calvin Theological Seminary was recently added to the 2015 list of Seminaries that Change the World. Kyle … ∞

Write for Kerux!

Dear fellow members of the Calvin Theological Seminary community, Kerux is here to help you converse with your community. We want to hear and publish your stories, thoughts, experiences, testimonies, and book reviews. We will be finalizing our next edition next week so if you want to submit an article, … ∞

Side by Side With Me

Protest and resistance can be made manifest in many forms. It was evident that the March In Solidarity, on the evening of December 12th, organized by Madison Square Church and Grace CRC, was done as a call for Kingdom Justice. A community conversation had been held at Madison Square Church, … ∞

Shootings, Silence, and Self-Examination: How Should We as Seminarians Respond?

Countless news reports depicted mass marches of protest.  Television screens flashed images of hurt and anger setting cities aflame. In the wake of the non-indictment of officers Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo, each night brought new stories confronting our comfortably-held notion that we have progressed to a post-racial society.  A … ∞

The Korean Student Association and Its Role at CTS

The Korean Student Association (KSA) is composed of Korean students and student families at Calvin Theological Seminary who are trying to help and support each other in the Korean student community. KSA seeks to become a sound community: through shared spiritual disciplines, shared life, and shared pursuit of academic excellence. … ∞

A Call for Hospitality

It’s uncomfortable at times to talk with and get to know someone who is different from yourself. It is easiest to remain within your own culture, age, race, or nationality. Even though we would never want to be inhospitable, we often are not hospitable because that requires us to open … ∞