
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


Recap of Recent Events

It is very unlikely that, over the last fews months, you have not heard the words and phrases “Ferguson,” “Hands up, don’t shoot!” “I can’t breathe!” “Grand Jury Indictment,” and the names Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Though the topic of race is often not very far from the national … ∞

Editorial on Diversity

This previous book of the semester, Tanner Colby’s Some of My Best Friends Are Black, has sparked some thoughtful questions such as “Just how diverse is Calvin Theological Seminary?” “What are some misconceptions about diversity?” And lastly, “Are we as students burned out from talking/thinking about diversity and social justice?” … ∞

Thanking God for Parasites

After months of work fundraising and participating in leadership trainings, I am finally sitting in my seat on a British airways flight, just outside of Sierra Leone in West Africa. My nerves are beginning to set in. The reality presses upon me that I am entering a place I’ve only … ∞

A Short History of Kerux

The Kerux is a Calvin Theological Seminary student publication that has served a variety of purposes over the years including being a place for news, opinions, interviews, announcements, prayer requests, and classifieds. Kerux has been regularly published since 1965 (based on the current volume number). At times, Kerux was a … ∞

Scripture Memory Club

Scripture Memory club has kicked off well this year according to its facilitators Charles Van Hoffen and Willem DeVries. Grant Hofman commented on how Scripture memorization has enriched his life: “I have noticed that my devotional life often tends to be in dichotomous relationship with the actual daily living of … ∞

Toastmasters at CTS

Toastmasters is an internationally known organization founded in 1924 which seeks to help people develop their speaking and leadership abilities, to become masters at giving toasts. There are a total fifteen Toastmasters clubs in the Grand Rapids area. The club at CTS is known as Ted Spoelstra’s Toastmasters due to … ∞

Faith, Nature and the Wisdom Tradition

Don’t forget to check out some of the opportunities next door at Calvin College! Recently I attended one of Calvin College’s “Christian Perspectives on Science” Seminars, a lecture by Tom McLeish entitled “Faith, Nature, and the Wisdom Tradition.” These seminars presented by leading scholars open conversations on the relationship between … ∞

Single or Married?

I am sure all of us remember those first few weeks at seminary. You are asked the same questions about yourself over and over again. One of the most common questions you get asked is whether or not you are married. Now, if you answer no the assumption is that … ∞