
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux!   Student Spotlight: Rhonda Workman The Kerux: Where are you from and what CTS degree program are you pursuing? Rhonda: I grew up in Grand … ∞

In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Keisuke Yoshioka Kerux: Hello Keisuke; where are you from and how long have you been at Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS)? Keisuke: I came … ∞

Hispanic Ministry to the Community- Professor Mariano Avila

On Monday nights, from 7:45pm until 9:00pm, there is a Hispanic Ministry Course offered here at CTS.  The Kerux contacted Professor Mariano Avila, the course instructor, to hear more about this great class. So, Professor Avila, you are teaching a Monday night class, here at CTS, entitled Hispanic Ministry to the Community.  Would … ∞

The Renewal Lab

During this past reading break, from Wednesday to Saturday, representatives from several churches gathered at CTS to take part in the church Renewal Lab. The Renewal Lab was also available for seminary students to either take as a class or to audit. Churches involved in the lab sent representatives for … ∞

Safety and Security at Englewood/Batchawana

Safety and Security at Englewood/ Batchawana On Tuesday, October 8th, Batchawana and Englewood Housing residents met in the Seminary Auditorium for a Safety and Security Meeting.  In attendance at the meeting were Calvin College’s Director of Campus Safety, Bill Corner, and Grand Rapids Police Officer, Joshua Mollen. The Residents had … ∞

In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Cari Fydirchuk I’m pursuing my Master of Divinity at Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) through the Distance Education Program.  My full-time “job” is being … ∞

In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Jason Terpstra I am a third year student in the Masters of Divinity program with a concentration in youth and family ministry.  I … ∞