
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight: If you see these people around, introduce yourself. If you already know them, tell them how lovely they looked in the Kerux! Student Spotlight: Jason Terpstra I am a third year student in the Masters of Divinity program with a concentration in youth and family ministry.  I … ∞

2013 Seminary Picnic

On Wednesday, September 11, the CTS community gathered for its annual picnic. Despite the light rain shower early on, it ended up being a wonderful evening. Students, staff, and faculty gathered for food and fellowship. There were also two inflatable play areas and cotton candy for children. As the phrase … ∞

Stromata Editors

Jonathan Owens Hometown: Irving, TX Favorite Aspect of CTS: I greatly appreciate the care and friendship offered by the staff and faculty Best place to study: On-Campus, the Quite Study Room – it’s convenient between classes.  Off-Campus, home – so that I can take a break from studying and play with … ∞

Kerux Editorial Team

Juliana Bosma Hometown: I was born and raised in a small hamlet called Neerlandia, which is in Northern Alberta, Canada. My favorite aspect of CTS has definitely been the community events: Christmas Potluck, BBQ’s, Intermural sports teams, Chapel and Donuts… etc Best place to study and why: My favorite place … ∞

In the Spotlight

New Student Spotlight: Boram Kwon The Kerux: So Boram, you are a new student here at Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) who started in Spring 2013 semester.  How did you hear about CTS and what made you choose it? Boram: My husband was already studying at CTS and many people encouraged … ∞

J-Term in Mexico

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief This January, Joe Hamilton and I accompanied Dr. Rylaarsdam on a trip to La Comunidad Teológica de México, an ecumenical Protestant theological school in Mexico City, Mexico to teach a course on the theology of the liturgical year. It was an interesting topic, chosen by the … ∞

Observations of God’s Presence in Angola Prison: Quotable Quotes Edition

by Heather Stroobosscher, final year M.Div. Whatever your expectations are, multiply them.” Professor Nydam met us at the airport at 5:30 a.m. January 13 to bless us and pray us on our way. We were thirteen J-termers eager to observe what God is doing at the maximum security prison in … ∞

Worship Symposium

by Elly Boersma, 2nd year M.A.  In Christ There is No East or West  On Wednesday morning, the international guests for the Calvin Symposium on Worship Symposium descended upon the Seminary building, later than scheduled, but in eager anticipation for what was to come during their stay in Grand Rapids. … ∞

Table Hockey

by Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students  Hockey is here! Slapshots and crisp passes have come to the Student Center. Students, staff, and faculty are playing table hockey. It doesn’t matter if you grew up with table hockey or have never played before, table hockey is a fun way to unwind … ∞