
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


Table Hockey

by Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students  Hockey is here! Slapshots and crisp passes have come to the Student Center. Students, staff, and faculty are playing table hockey. It doesn’t matter if you grew up with table hockey or have never played before, table hockey is a fun way to unwind … ∞

The Medenblik Stick

by Paul DeWeerd, 3rd year M.Div. “Hello out there. We’re on the air. It’s hockey night tonight.” Hockey is back! The National Hockey League (NHL) took their sweet time to start up the 2012-13 season. While hockey fans around the globe bit their finger nails in nervous anticipation of the … ∞

A Thought on the Qualification of Participation in the Lord’s Supper

by Reita Yazawa. Ph.D. Student  At one workshop I attended during Worship Symposium in January, one participant shared her question with us. Her church has started basic English worship for those who speak English as their second language. When the Lord’s Supper is celebrated in their worship, a pastor adds … ∞

With Truth and Grace: A Christmas Appreciation of Calvinism

by Dylan Pahman, ’12 M.T.S. Introduction: Joy to the (Calvinist) World  Outside of Reformed circles, Calvinism is often a dirty word. In popular theology it can connote a borderline fatalism and a privileged, exclusivist mentality. (Terms like “the frozen chosen” come to mind.) Furthermore, when one examines the history of … ∞

Editorial: Volume 47.6

As we come to the end of the semester, and everybody’s schedules get busy with papers and exams and sermons and projects, we as the Kerux editors just wanted to take a moment here to thank you all for your wonderful support and encouragement over this past semester. We had … ∞

Light in the Night at Calvin College: A Christian Educator’s Perspective

by Ferry Yang, M.Div. On Saturday night, October 27th, 2012, an event called “Light in the Night” was presented at the Calvin College Knollcrest East Apartments.  It was the 18th annual celebration.  In the flyer there was a quote from Psalm 119:105 that says: “Thy word is a lamp unto … ∞

Taking the “Ug” out of Ugaritic

by John Medendorp, co-editor-in-chief While many of us here at seminary complain about how much work we have to do, many of our professors impressively balance rigorous teaching loads while also performing incredible feats of research and publishing. Michael Williams is a prime example of this incredible ability to do … ∞