
A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni


He descended into Hell

Last semester, I was given the opportunity to choose to write on the topic of my choosing regarding the Creeds and Confessions of the Christian church. As a result I chose to write on Christ’s descent into hell, obviously an easy one to think about. And while this is a … ∞

Do Not Covet

We want what we don’t have Since the dawn of time humanity has desired things that others have, or things that they are not allowed to have. All that it takes is to read the first three chapters of Genesis to recognize this fatal flaw. Although it’s difficult to imagine … ∞

Power of Sacrifice.

Our dog detested being shackled. When he is bound, he will fight tooth and nail to break free. Even though the chain is piercing his neck severely, he won’t let go until he is free of the thing he despises. Oh, see how a typical dog struggles for liberty. Sir, … ∞


He is dead.  This was the second sentence of the sermon that was preached at our friend Henry’s funeral earlier this year. Henry had died by suicide. The words crashed into me like a ton of bricks nearly knocking the wind out of me as I sat in the back … ∞

The Need for Faith

Romans 4:1-5 1 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited … ∞

Dear John 3

The following letter is the first installment in what will be a series of letters to JohnCalvin. These “Dear John letters” are meant to speak for those who are wrestling withwhether to stay in the Christian Reformed church or divorce the church that they’veloved. Rather than trying to solve theological … ∞

A Glimpse of God’s Heart

Recently, I was honored to have an opportunity to learn about the heart of Jesusand what we look like in His eyes. The story happened two weeks ago. As spring iscoming, my neighbors, squirrels and a chipmunk, are becoming very active in myfront yard. One sunny afternoon, I brought some … ∞


Practical jokes and hoaxes are part of the yearly tradition known as April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day, which occurs on April 1. April Fools! is a common way for jokesters to reveal their tricks. These practical jokes, which can be exposed as such the next day, can involve … ∞