A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Suffering For Christ: A study in 1 peter 4

Suffering For Christ: A study in 1 peter 4

1 PETER 4:12-19


Genre: There isn’t much debate about 1 Peter; it is a letter with all the characteristics of an epistolary letter, with the exception of the co-sender as in the format of Paul’s letters. The opening, thanksgiving, body and closing are the four elements of an epistle. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, is identified at the letter’s opening as the sender (1 Peter 1:1). The recipient (Gentile Christians) 1 Peter 1:1b-2a 1 “to God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia…”, chapter 2:10 proves the idea that they are Gentile Christians “once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy…”, and the greetings in 1:2b “Grace and peace be yours in abundance.” The thanksgiving section covers from vs. 3-9 of c.1, then the body of the letter 1:10 – 5:10 and the closing 5;11-14.


Internal evidence: In the letter’s opening line, the author introduces himself as “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.” This is in line with how other New Testament letter writers write. For example, the first sentences of Paul’s, James’, John’s, and Jude’s letter, as well as 2 Peter 1:1 all has the author’s name. Additional proof can be found in 1 Peter 5:1, where the author identifies himself as “a witness of the sufferings of Christ.” Such a claim is consistent with Peter’s participation in Jesus’ trial. (W. A. Grudem, 1 Peter [Inter-Varsity Press (IVP), 2009] 24pdf)

Historical Evidence: According to historical evidence from the second and third centuries, Peter is the author of these epistles (1&2 Peter). This quotation by D. F. Watson and T. D. Callan sums up these historical facts:

In the late second century, Irenaeus is the first to explicitly cite Peter as the author of 1Peter (Haer. 4.9.2 and 5.7.2 cite 1Pet. 1:8; 4.16.5 cites 1Pet. 2:16). In the third century, Eusebius cites a tradition from Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150–ca. 215) that Peter was the author. “He [Clement] also says that Peter mentions Mark in his first Epistle, and that he composed this in Rome itself, which they say that he himself indicates, referring to the city metaphorically as Babylon, in the words, ‘the elect one in Babylon greets you, and Marcus my son’” (Hist. eccl. 2.15.2; cf. 1Pet. 5:13). Eusebius also cites a lost portion of Origen’s commentary on the Gospel of John that refers to Peter as leaving one acknowledged and one suspect epistle, that is, 1 and 2Peter respectively (Hist. eccl. 6.25.8). (D. F. Watson and T. D. Callan, First and Second Peter. [Grand Rapids: Baker, 2012] 3)

Possibility for pseudonymous: As stated by Watson and Callan; According to contemporary biblical study, 1 Peter was allegedly written under Peter’s name and with his permission. The author is typically thought to be one of Peter’s followers who belonged to the Petrine circle in Rome or a Roman Christian in general who used Peter’s teaching and pastoral counsel to address a later generation. Writing in the names of philosophers and religious instructors while drawing on the knowledge they had imparted to them was a widespread practice in antiquity. (3) Watson and Callan provide a list of several indicators that the proponents of pseudonymous utilize to support their assertions. Let’s see the 6 indicators bellow:

1.  Elegant Greek and rhetoric: The rhetoric is studied, indicating that the author possesses an education at the secondary level, where rhetoric was the mainstay of the curriculum. The quality of the Greek and rhetoric do not appear to be the work of a Galilean fisherman whose native tongue was Aramaic and who, along with John, was regarded by the religious authorities in Jerusalem as an “uneducated” and “ordinary” man (Acts 4:13). This idea should not dispute the authorship of Peter because “amanuensis” (a scribal secretary) is a common practice for apostle Paul (1Cor. 1:1; 16:21; 2Cor. 1:1; Gal. 6:11; Phil. 1:1; 1Thess.1:1; 2Thess. 3:17), he, (amanuensis) could have composed the letter at the dictation of Peter. Another view; Peter had spent nearly three decades preaching to Greek-speaking audiences, which surely improved his skill in Greek.

2.  Author’s use of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the OT, LXX) as his Scripture: Peter would have been familiar with the Hebrew text or Aramaic Targums of the OT, but after working with the Greeks for almost thirty years, Peter likely also developed a familiarity with the LXX.

3.  Limited personal references (2:11; 5:1, 12) and the absence of any personal recollections of time spent with Jesus: Peter did not make much references to himself in the epistle (1Peter), and Peter is expected as a close disciple of Jesus Christ to at least in a verse or two narrate his life experience with Jesus in order to complement theme of his discuss. However, personal reference is not natural in exhortation, nor is personal recollection common in any of the Letters of the New Testament.

4.  Reference to “Babylon” (5:13): This suggests that 1Peter was written after 70. “’Babylon’ as a designation for Rome is not attested in documents before Rome’s destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 66–70, as Babylon did in 586 BCE, but is frequent in Jewish and Christian literature after that time.” However, the association of Babylon and Rome would have suggested itself to the Jews and Jewish Christians long before the destruction of Jerusalem because both nations were idolatrous, were immoral, and persecuted the people of God.

5.  Limited intensity of the persecution being experienced by the recipients of 1Peter: “Christians were persecuted by the Roman emperors Nero (60s) and Domitian (90s), but there was little persecution between their reigns in the 70s and 80s.” Although the letter refers to a “fiery ordeal” (4:12), most of the abuse of Christians referred to is verbal (2:12, 15, 23; 3:9, 16; 4:4, 14). Thus, a date in the 70s and 80s is indicated. However, there was also little persecution of Christians before 64, when Peter himself could have been writing.

6.  Apocalyptic tone: The apocalyptic tone of 1Peter (1:1–9; 4:7, 12–19), explained by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 being interpreted as a precursor of Christ’s return, but there was also plenty of apocalyptic fervor during Peter’s lifetime.

(pages 4-5)

These and other arguments for the pseudonymous authorship of 1Peter are not convincing enough to decline apostle Peter as the author of the epistle. Grudem supports the authorship of apostle Peter with his “Evidence Outside the Letter (1Peter)”, he states that;

Early evidence relevant to the authorship of 1 Peter is found in 2 Peter 3:1, in which the author calls his writing ‘the second letter that I have written to you’. This same author earlier claims to be Peter (2 Pet. 1:1, 16–18). Whether or not one thinks that Peter wrote 2 Peter, 2 Peter 3:1 can still be understood as a very early testimony to the fact that an earlier letter claiming to be from Peter (and widely accepted as that) was known and was in circulation at the time 2 Peter was written. (24pdf)

Place of Writing

1 Peter 5:13, “She who is at Babylon … sends you greetings, and so does my son Mark.” Given that it was a minor and unnoticed location by the first century, it is unlikely that Peter is referring to the ancient city of Babylon in Mesopotamia, which served as the capital of the Babylonian empire. There is no proof that Peter and Mark went there. There is currently no indication that there is even a Christian church there. (Grudem, 34pdf) Here are some historical texts that back up Grudem’s claims: (from the same page cited above)

Diodorus of Sicily (writing 56–36 BC):

As for the palaces and the other buildings, time has either entirely effaced them or left them in ruins; and in fact, of Babylon itself but a small part is inhabited at this time, and most of the area within its walls is given over to agriculture’.

Similarly, Strabo (died AD 19) writes:

The greater part of Babylon is so deserted that one would not hesitate to say … The Great City is a great desert’.

Rome is referred to as “Babylon” in New Testament passages (Rev. 16:19, 17:5, 18:2, and note that the ‘seven hills’ of Rome are identified in verse 17:9). Historical evidence suggests that Peter spent his final days in Rome. (Grudem, 34pdf) Tertullian wrote in AD 203:

Since, moreover, you are close upon Italy, you have Rome, from which there comes even into our own hands the very authority of apostles themselves. How happy is its church, on which apostles poured forth all their doctrine along with their blood! where Peter endures a passion like his Lord’s! where Paul wins his crown in a death like John’s!

Eusebius’ witness, who wrote in AD 325, is added to this evidence. He writes: “With regard to Peter and Paul.”

And that they both were martyred at the same time Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth [c. AD 170], affirms in this passage of his correspondence with the Romans: ‘By so great an admonition you bound together the foundations of the Romans and Corinthians by Peter and Paul, for both of them taught together in our Corinth and were our founders, and together also taught in Italy in the same place and were martyred at the same time’.

More information on Peter and Paul is provided by Eusebius in his ongoing history:

Peter seems to have preached to the Jews of the Dispersion in Pontus and Galatia and Bithynia, Cappadocia, and Asia, and at the end he came to Rome and was crucified head downwards, for so he had demanded to suffer. What need be said of Paul, who fulfilled the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyria and afterward was martyred in Rome under Nero? This is stated exactly by Origen [died c. AD 254] in the third volume of his commentary on Genesis.

Peter’s first letter was written at Rome, according to Eusebius, who also makes this clear:

The bishop of Hierapolis, named Papias [c. AD 60–130] … says that Peter mentions Mark in his first Epistle, and that he composed this in Rome itself, which they say that he himself indicates, referring to the city metaphorically as Babylon, in the words, ‘the elect one in Babylon greets you, and Marcus my son’.

(Grudem, 34-35pdf)

Thus, Grudem make this conclusion that; “…the name ‘Babylon’ in the letter and the external historical evidence that Peter was in Rome with Paul near the end of his life combine to indicate that 1Peter was written from Rome.” (35)


It is challenging to pinpoint the exact date that the Epistle of 1 Peter was written, despite both external and internal evidence to that effect. Watson and Callan, however, came to this conclusion:

In summary, internal evidence does not provide a range of possible dates, and external evidence gives us a range of 80–180, with the earlier date being more likely due to the reference to 1Peter in 2Peter. In conjunction with my position that the apostle Peter wrote this letter and the verbal nature of the persecution, I am assigning 1Peter to the quiet period before the Neronian persecution of 64–68, in which tradition says Peter was martyred (1Clem. 5.4; Eusebius, Hist. eccl. 2.25.5). This date fits the verbal nature of the persecution and gives time for the letter to gain enough notoriety to be referred to by the author of 2Peter (3:1) in 80–90. (Watson and Callan, 6)

Grudem admit at the end of his statement that the evidence supporting this argument is “evidence from silence,” (Grudem, 37)

Major Themes in 1Peter

In 1 Peter, there are three main topics that are discussed; the verse we are studying today starts the third theme.

·         The salvation provided by God and the standing of Christians before God (1:1–2:10)

·         Living the New Life among gentiles (2:11–4:11)

·         Exhortations to endure suffering and conclusion (4:12–5:14)

1 PETER 4:12-18


Grammatical Analysis

·         The verb pyrosei in v. 12 is from pyroo, “to burn.” As in 1:7, where the context is very similar, the meaning could be metaphorical. (J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Dallas Seminary Faculty), 854) “The ‘fiery ordeal’ (pyrōsis) is a word used in the LXX to describe removing the dross from metals melted in a crucible and God’s refining or testing God’s people (Zech. 13:9; Ps. 65:10–12 [66:10–12]; Prov. 27:21). The fiery ordeal is a God given test (peirasmos) of faith commitment, as it is in 1:6–7.” (Watson, 110).

·         koinoneite, from koinoneo v. 13, “to share”; related nouns are koinonia, “communion, fellowship, close relationship,” and koinonos, “sharer” (Walvoord and Zuck, 854). Christians who are in communion with Christ will rejoice in sharing his pain. “The New Testament is clear that those who take part in the suffering of Christ also will take part in His glory, when it is revealed (1 Peter 1:7; 5:1).” (854)

allotriepiskopos, is an adjective used to describe those who interfere in other people’s business (busybodies, v. 15). Watson suggest that;

Possibly the Christians understood themselves as the guardians of public morality in the fashion of the Cynics, who thought they should oversee others (Balch 1981, 93–94). “Busybody” may also indicate embezzlement of the goods of others that one oversees (Achtemeier 1996, 310–13) and movement beyond prescribed social boundaries, which would further cast suspicion on Christianity (J. Brown 2006). (111)

Literal Analysis

The emphasis of 1 Peter 4:12-18 was on the believer’s capacity to steadfastly withstand hardship among nonbelievers in this world.

·         4:12-14: The vocative Beloved agapytoi “reaffirms the familial love binding the community together” (Watson, 109). The recipients of this message are a loving community that exemplifies Christ’s love for them. The “beloved” messianic community has been chosen by God, removed from all promiscuous way of life, and created anew in order to proclaim through their shared existence and doxological adoration that the true order of things arises through the worship of God and Jesus the Messiah. (D. Harink, 1 and 2 Peter: Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (Brazos Press), 152pdf). These people who are set aside for Christ are expected to suffer on account of Christ.

·         4:15-16: In contrast to the initial exhortation; “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler.” In other words, they are not to suffer in a “non-messianic” way. (Harink, 155) It is disgraceful to suffer for crime, but it is not dishonorable to suffer for one’s faith. (Watson, 111)

·         4:17-18; this last section gives motivation as to why they must suffer for Christ, “for it is time for judgment” and the judgment will “begin with the family of God.” (v.17a) v. 18 amplified the motivation in v. 17. “If the righteous person is barely saved, it is implied that the ungodly person will not be saved. However, the nature of their fate is not stated, as is typical elsewhere in the letter (2:8; 3:12b, 16b–17).” (Watson, 112)

Historical Analysis

The teaching of Jesus Christ (Matt. 5:10-12, 10:22; Luke 14:27; John 15:20-21, 16:20 etc.) is what starts the mindset for Christian suffering, as shown by the numerous historical examples of Christian suffering. Jesus’ followers and the early apostles faced various forms of persecution. For example:

·         The apostles were flogged before the Sanhedrin because of their faith (Acts 5:29-41)

·         Stephens (Acts 7:54ff); was stoned to death.

·         Neronian persecution (AD 67): “Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome. Some were covered with pitch and used as living torches to light the imperial gardens at night.” (Walvoord, 854)


I’d like to wrap up by connecting this message to the modern age. Since God has always loved us (Christians), we are a people He has chosen. We should demonstrate this love. According to Matthew 6:16, “Let your light shine before others,” we should be ready to endure any form of persecution due to the Crossmark we wore on our forehead. Persecution can take many forms, including mockery, insult, denial of human rights, discrimination, and more. Instead of being worried, we should be joyful because when we suffer for Christ, we share in his suffering and will one day share in his glory both now and forever.


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  3. 2000年から2001年の調査によると全体の7割がウクライナ語で教育を受け、残りの3割弱がロシア語となっている。基本的に感情の起伏がなく、しかし死体の解体や殺しには喜々とした様子を見せるが、電動人工声帯を無くすとパニックや鬱状態になる。第七編 教育と文化、第一章 学校教育、第三節 戦時体制下の教育、一 昭和初期の学校
    p.912:青い目の人形 – 高鍋町史(高鍋町アーカイブス〜ミヤザキイーブックス)。

  4. 桂山は文化七年十二月二日に五十六歳で歿し、柳沜は文政十年六月三日に三十九歳で歿し、茝庭は安政四年二月十四日に六十三歳で歿したのである。本家では桂山(けいざん)、名は元簡(かん)、字は廉夫(れんふ)が、抽斎の生れた文化二年には五十一歳、その子柳沜(りゅうはん)、名は胤(いん)、字は奕禧(えきき)が十七歳、末家では茝庭(さいてい)、名は元堅(げんけん)、字は亦柔(えきじゅう)が十一歳になっていた。芸術家としてここに挙ぐべきものは谷文晁(たにぶんちょう)一人(いちにん)に過ぎない。次は芸術家及(および)芸術批評家である。

  5. 2023年10月23日閲覧。任天堂ホームページ. 2020年4月29日閲覧。 6月 – 森亮介が代表取締役社長に就任。 また、2000年代以降の合併で大手損保会社数が減少し、限られた営業担当者同士がコミュニケーションを取る機会が増加した。会社を経営していた繁の父が亡くなり、倒産して生活が苦しくなったことをきっかけに性格が豹変し、娘・ またそのほかについては皇室財産の項も参照。

  6. 馬場入場後返し馬を行った後は発走までここで待機する。地方競馬では、川崎競馬場にあるFUJITSU製「キングビジョン」が面積496 m2、最大視認距離は250 mで、設置当時は世界最大であった。所謂河村氏は嘗て文部省に仕へた河村重固(しげかた)と云ふ人の家で、重固の女(ぢよ)が今の帝国劇場の女優河村菊枝ださうである。霞亭の遺事は他日浜野氏が編述し、併て其遺稿をも刊行する筈ださうである。

  7. 78年話題のレコード100」で、北中正和は国内の1978年のミュージックシーンを「ニュー・、浜北店の2店舗のみが該当。 1995年より16年前の1979年ころ、父の作った座布団目当てで徒然亭一門の落語会に足を運んでいた草々が、たった一回、草原の噺を聞いただけだったというのに「鴻池の犬」を完璧に覚えたことで草若に才能を見出された。 2013年3月に1回目が開催され、以後3年にわたり開催された。本項目では2作品あるテレビアニメと、初代テレビアニメに関連するOVA作品について記述する。

  8. なお、『リターンズ』および『Classic』では最終回が30分枠×2回に再編集された。大泉は当初「最終回」とシャツに記したが、藤村Dからのダメ出しを受けて「つづく」と訂正。 「寝るなうれしー」は、前日の藤村Dの「明日は(見どころもないので)嬉野君もある程度寝ますし」発言に起因する。以下は各日程に記入された文言。 「4日目

  9. 二人は奥州街道を北へ進んで、仙台附近より又東に折れ、多賀城の碑を観た。 バファローズは10月1日の対東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルス25回戦(楽天Koboスタジアム宮城)をもって2016年シーズンを終了、57勝83敗3分の最下位に沈む結果となった。 “フィンランドで刃物男、2人死亡 テロとして捜査”.
    パートナー. “セブンイレブン/創業50周年「明日の笑顔を 共に創る」イチロー起用”.

  10. このページの現在または過去の版は、ウェブサイトや書籍などの著作物からの無断転載を含んでいるおそれが指摘されています。著作権侵害が確認されると、このページは削除の方針により一部の版または全体が削除されます。 なお、東京モノレールのモノレール車両はJR東日本傘下入り後も日立製作所のみで製造している。 なお、鹿児島テレビは1982年9月まで日本テレビ系列、フジテレビ系列、テレビ朝日系列(1982年10月に脱退)とのトリプルネット局であった。論座(RONZA).


  11. 、4月にはカリフォルニア州北部にも訴訟対象店舗が広がった。名田貴好; 橋倉正信『青春音楽グラフィティ タイガースからYMOまで』集英社〈集英社文庫 COBALT-SERIES〉、1981年4月、31頁。 『四季日本の料理 秋』講談社、1998年。 『四季日本の料理 春』講談社、1998年。川上行蔵、小出昌洋『完本
    日本料理事物起源』岩波書店、2006年。大洋と住民たちの見送りを受け島を出発した。 このこともあり、高校は東大入学のためのリハーサルと言って周りの教師や生徒を見下していたが、鬼塚の熱弁で考えを改め、教師イジメを止め鬼塚の理解者となる(同時に村井と相沢とは「お前らと居ても楽しくない」と言い捨てて距離を置くようになる)。

  12. 原子力発電所以外の発電施設は、以下のように子会社へ移管されている。産が逼(せま)るほど妊婦は運動すべきものだ位に考えていた健三は意外な顔をした。彼は活動を強(し)いる勇気も自信も失なった。 「もう少し平気で休んでいられないものかな。 「気のせいで熱が出るんだから、気のせいでそれがまた直(すぐ)除れるんだろうよ。兄の注意を健三に伝えた細君は、重苦しそうに自分の尻(しり)を畳の上に着けた。坂口が生前に語った言葉は、東京・酒類大手の麒麟麦酒はこの日、同社が第三のビールとして発売した「キリン のどごし(生)」について、2005年4月発売時からの累計販売本数が100億本を突破したと発表。

  13. 中村武彦:スポーツビジネス実業家。 トゥーンベリが飛行機に乗らずに船で移動しているのは「ただのパフォーマンスに過ぎない」と評し、「環境を守るための具体的な技術革新が必要で、その技術革新を、飛行機に乗っていち早く世界中に広めるべき」と主張している。持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals、略称:SDGs)については批判的であり、特に環境活動家のグレタ・ SDGsは一時的な流行に終わると予想しており、根拠としてこれまでの人類史上、世界全体で協力体制を敷けたことはないことを挙げ、「発展途上国へ森林の伐採をやめろと、生きるのもやっとの人たちに環境保全を求めるのは、先進国のエゴを押しつけているだけ」と評している。

  14. 放送時間は開始当初は17時30分 – 18時、2010年7月18日より同17時 – 17時30分に繰り上げ。
    9月1日 – この日テレビ放送開始のIBC岩手放送(当時は岩手放送)がJNNに加盟。
    Jon Fingas. 金井哲夫翻訳: “2018年5月7日 イギリスの警察が導入した顔認証システムが2300人を犯罪者と誤認”.
    “ECB、預金金利マイナス0.5%に引き下げ QE再開へ”.実際、同社は、シンガポールへの非公開有限会社(英語版)の設立支援などを行っている企業である「RIKVIN」を利用して約700シンガポールドル(年間約4万6000円)で設立された法人であった。

  15. 聖騎士長に仕える通常の騎士団と異なり国王に仕える、独立した騎士団。本作において超常現象を引き起こすための力の源や、各自固有の能力など総称。 10年前、当時の聖騎士長を殺害した罪を着せられ、全員がお尋ね者となり、各地に散って身を隠している。団内にはメリオダスが定めた七つの掟があり、作中では掟その3「互いの罪に干渉せず」、その4「仲間の危機は全員一丸全力で助ける」、その7「たまには全員で力を合わせようぜ」が、アニメではその5「団員同士の蟠りは、喧嘩で決着をつける」とその6「団員同士の殺し合いは、他の団員が総力を持って止めなければならない」が登場している。

  16. この事件以降、日本国内では中国に根強い反日感情があることが知られ、中国に対する警戒心が生まれた。 」と書き込んだ後アニメのオフ会に出向き事件に巻き込まれ死亡したとされていたが、実はこの件に巻き込まれたのは美愛でなく優愛であり、その後は美愛が自分は優愛であるだと思い込んでいた。優愛の双子の妹で、集団ダイブの被害者の一人。日本文教出版 Atelier Nichibun 国立大学法人愛知教育大学・ デンマーク語
    標準デンマーク語(デンマーク語版) デンマーク国立国語審議会・

  17. FMおのみちWeb (2011年11月11日). 2014年7月12日閲覧。 11月19日 – 代表取締役会長であるカルロス・長谷川拳杜(はせがわ けんと・

  18. 「関東の某有名地銀、金融庁が国有化準備首相、総選挙にも決断? “足利銀行「経営健全化計画」の履行状況に関する報告書(平成13年12月)”.
    “足利銀行、13年ぶりに海外拠点 4月に香港事務所開設”.
    下野新聞.内訳明細書に基づく公開入札用図書作成・ 『関西地銀3行、個人資産運用に重点、統合合意、信託・

  19. 第二十七条 支払基金は、医療機関等情報化補助業務に関し、毎事業年度、財産目録、貸借対照表及び損益計算書(以下この条において「財務諸表」という。以下この条において同じ」を削り、「から」の下に「、電子資格確認等により、被保険者であることの確認を受け、」を加え、同条第五項中「が第六十三条第三項第一号」を「(特定長期入院被保険者を除く。

  20. 12月12日~15日 – 河南省鄭州市で卓球のITTFワールドツアーグランドファイナルが開催され、男子シングルスで樊振東(ファン・ 12月11日~15日 – 広東省広州市でバドミントンのBWFワールドツアーファイナルズが開催され、女子シングルスで陳雨菲(チェン・

  21. アメリカ合衆国で南北戦争(- 1865年)。 アメリカ合衆国大統領リンカーンの奴隷解放宣言、ホームステッド法の制定。 メキシコのファレス政権の対外債務支払い停止宣言に対抗。与党支持・研究者の試算によると、将来の社会保障制度維持するために必要な消費税率は30-40%程度と言われている。受再保険会社は保険料、保険金とも同じ一定の割合で分担する。又廟廡金紙壁に平氏西敗の図あり。

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