A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Table Hockey

Table Hockey

by Jeff Sajdak, Dean of Students

 Hockey is here! Slapshots and crisp passes have come to the Student Center. Students, staff, and faculty are playing table hockey. It doesn’t matter if you grew up with table hockey or have never played before, table hockey is a fun way to unwind from classes and studies.

 How did table hockey arrive at CTS? Professor Bolt’s alma mater had a table hockey league, so he suggested that CTS should have it as well. Through a gracious donation we have three table hockey games, and we’ve begun the first season of the CTS Table Hockey League.

 There are 20 players/teams in the League. The season is underway and will run through March. At the end of the season, there will be playoffs leading up to the final championship round, planned for mid-April. Standings and results are posted on the CTS website so you can follow the action.

In addition, the first CTS Table Hockey Tournament will be held on the morning of the Medenblik Stick hockey game, Saturday, February 16. You can sign up to play through February 15 by going to the link that was emailed earlier. (If you’ve lost it, contact Dean Sajdak and he’ll get it to you.)

 Everyone is welcome to play. The games are available in the Student Center or in the Dean of Students office.