A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Tag: <span>Calvin Theological Seminary</span>

Tag: Calvin Theological Seminary

Favorite Chair

When the Holy Spirt comes for a visit to your house, do you offer your best chair? Do you sit in the chair that rocks a little and sits uncomfortably near the bathroom? A meditation of mine lately has been on the journey of Mary to find a place to … ∞

Contemplative Prayer 101

Greetings to you, readers of the Kerux! I find myself at the tail end of the intensive week for distance students, so I will admit that my brain is a little bit frazzled as I write this. However, it is my hope that today’s post will be helpful, informative, and/or … ∞

Seek First The Kingdom

Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” I always read this text and get out of it with this understanding that; “If I should devote myself to kingdom business with effort to attend righteousness, I will … ∞

The Modern-Day Leper

The story of the leper cleansed by Jesus is one that I can identify with all too well. Have you ever felt like you could identify with the leper in this story? Or maybe you feel like you can identify with Jesus himself. Sometimes I feel like I can identify … ∞

At Peace With The Past

*Greetings and salutations, readers of the Kerux! This blog post does mention eating disorders, so if that is at all triggering to you, it may be wise not to read it. Do what’s best for your well-being. 🙂 If you’ve met me in person, then you might know that I … ∞

Dirty Footstool

Oh Feet, lovely feet My Father’s feet rest on upon the earth, a dirty footstool. He made me just like Him, for my feet also rest on upon the dirt. Everything on earth is underfoot. Oh feet, beautiful feet, capable of crushing others. Created to go, to bring good news, … ∞

Bodies of Divinity

My children made sled runs last week. They hauled piles of snow onto the edge of the deck and packed everything down–that initial drop is important–then they start to sled. At first they only make it a few feet. The incline of our yard is gentle (to the relief of … ∞

Faith Amidst Persecution

Boko Haram translated; “Western education is forbidden” in Hausa is an Islamic sect that believes politics in northern Nigeria has been seized by a group of corrupt, false Muslims. It wants to wage a war against them, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria generally, to create a “pure” Islamic state … ∞

Sabbath-ed So Hard

“I don’t have time to Sabbath right now,” I confess to my friend on the other side of the video screen. “I know I’m not supposed to say that,” I continue, “but that’s just how it feels. Sunday has become my day for catching up on the rest of my … ∞

The Struggle Is Real

Trigger Warning: Depression. Anxiety. Breakfast is absolutely my favorite meal of the day: not only do I adore breakfast food, but I will not function very well during the day if I have not had anything to eat in the morning. My breakfast routine is simple: choose what I am … ∞

For Such A Time As This

—a bitter humor— A blessing run amok I did not ask for this: Beautiful and appalling. Volatile, voiceless Disturbing reality of a God gone silent for such a time as this. I did not ask for this: Abandoned, reaching, trembling. “Cursed be Haman!” “Blessed be Mordecai!” I’m drunk, it all … ∞