A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Tag: <span>Calvin Theological Seminary</span>

Tag: Calvin Theological Seminary

Listen Well

What makes a good listener? Being a parent of elementary aged children, when I think of this question I think of how, or rather how ‘well’, my kids listen to me. It’s not always such a pretty picture. I wonder what God thinks of our listening skills when it comes … ∞


Hope was robbed by sin A foot that slipped upon the road A bitter taste upon the lips of salty tears Unspoken Woes Through the blood of our redeemer Son of servant We behold The payment for our lives His sacrifice Our debt is paid in full His blood our … ∞

The Power of the Tongue

The Bible is filled with instruction on the use of our words.  The words we speak hold great power.  Power to loose, or to bind (Matt 16:19), the power to profess, or to profane (James 3:9-10,), the power of life and death (Prov 18:21). David cries out, “Set a guard, … ∞

Face Down in the Dirt

Recently i was listening to a Spotify playlist that was curated by the developers called “punk rock powerhouses.” It was all songs from my teens and early twenties when i wasn’t a christian, but i was seeking the truth and filling the void that only Jesus can fill with things … ∞

A whole new, new?

As the school year begins, a new rhythm starts; new textbooks to open, new teachers to meet and students to work with, new schedules to follow, new times to set your alarm for, everything is new. Yet at the same time there is a familiarity to it all. The text … ∞

Bearing Fruits

It is the expectation of every farmer that his crops would bear fruit. A plant that does not bear fruit is not fit for the garden, neither is it fit for anything. In time, the farmer will run out of patience with the plant and will count it as unworthy … ∞


One of the most interesting topics treated in systematic theology I&II is “FORGIVENESS.” Forgiveness is a divine gift that we receive from God – it is difficult for us as humans to forgive, whereas it is one of God’s attributes Exod. 34:6-7 “And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, … ∞

Reconciliation: Our Freely Given Gift In Christ

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity many Calvin Seminary students have experienced. That was to participate in Professor Mary Vandenberg’s Systematic Theology II class period on the limits of forgiveness. This discussion revolved around forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation, and justice. Reflecting on the class, I found myself confronted with shifting notions … ∞

The Work of a Pastor

Pastoral work is the responsibility of every believer. We have been given this great mandate to preach the good news to the whole world Matt. 28:19. We are said to be the light of the world, and called to let it shine so that people may see and glorify our … ∞