A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Tag: <span>Kerux</span>

Tag: Kerux

Our Identity in Unity

What defines your identity? Oftentimes we consider our identity as individuals, resulting in a strict individualism that seeks to see our complete identity as an inward trinity – me, myself, and I. However, as followers of Messiah Jesus, our identity is twofold: our identity is both in who God has … ∞

Dear John 2

The following letter is the first installment in what will be a series of letters to JohnCalvin. These “Dear John letters” are meant to speak for those who are wrestling withwhether to stay in the Christian Reformed church or divorce the church that they’veloved. Rather than trying to solve theological … ∞

Boundaries (part 2)

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Boundaries “When to Say YES When to Say NO To Take Control of Your Life” Examples of Boundaries In summary of our definition in “Part 1”, we have seen that; boundaries are anything that helps to differentiate us from other people, or shows … ∞

Dear John 1

The following letter is the first installment in what will be a series of letters to JohnCalvin. These “Dear John letters” are meant to speak for those who are wrestling withwhether to stay in the Christian Reformed church or divorce the church that they’veloved. Rather than trying to solve theological … ∞

Boundaries (part 1)

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Boundaries “When to Say YES When to Say NO To Take Control of Your Life” What is a Boundary A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are … ∞

Define “Success”

If there is one thing every parent wants for their children; it’s to be successful.It’s true; unless you’re either insecure about your own lot in life or you’re going totherapy your desire is for the success of your children. In the context of today, the need; nay the thirst for … ∞

Student Burnout

As we enter the second half of Lent, I cannot help but reflect on the fact that we are also halfway through the school year. For some of us, this is our first year of college, while for others, it is their senior year, and the work is piling up. … ∞

Cast The First Stone

It’s so wonderful when words, phrases, or stories from the Bible become well-known life lessons shared for countless generations. Words such as “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” from John 8:7 offer invaluable wisdom for all ages. While I was studying the text (John 8:7), I … ∞

The Temptation: To Be Spectacular

We have different beliefs and values. One of the things we value the most is beingsuccessful and spectacular. I grew up in China and lived there for 18 years. It is acommon thing to pursue fame and fortune in Chinese culture. For example, we makejudgments to people according to apartments, … ∞


I read the words of Martin Luther on Luke 18:13 – I feel I should share with you. Text: “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Luke 18:13 … ∞