A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Tag: <span>prayer</span>

Tag: prayer

Contemplative Prayer 101

Greetings to you, readers of the Kerux! I find myself at the tail end of the intensive week for distance students, so I will admit that my brain is a little bit frazzled as I write this. However, it is my hope that today’s post will be helpful, informative, and/or … ∞

The Struggle Is Real

Trigger Warning: Depression. Anxiety. Breakfast is absolutely my favorite meal of the day: not only do I adore breakfast food, but I will not function very well during the day if I have not had anything to eat in the morning. My breakfast routine is simple: choose what I am … ∞

A Comparison of Prayer

Why Do We Pray? The Catholic tradition has always held a sense of mystery for me. Growing up in Nebraska, there were a lot of Catholics around. The Catholic church was one of the largest in our small town, and many of my friends and teachers ascribed to the Catholic … ∞

A Prayer for Fiji

When our flight landed back in the States, Breanna and I were bombarded with the reality that the world had not stopped turning while we were in Fiji. In just two weeks being back stateside, the divisive events in Charlottesville rocked the news, and hurricane Harvey and Irma landed and … ∞

Clubs At CTS

Do you find yourself sitting in your office chair, twiddling your thumbs, wondering what to do with all your talents, passions, free time, and love of group activities? Probably not. But you should still join one of CTS’s great clubs anyways. This year students have a wide variety to choose … ∞