A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Editorial: Volume 47:1 (4/September/2012)

Editorial: Volume 47:1 (4/September/2012)

Welcome to Calvin Seminary

After seventeen years of education, the first day of school still gets me.

There’s that air of nervous potential, that feeling of endless possibility. You stand before a clean canvas and raise a trembling brush to it. It is exciting. It is a little terrifying.It is a day of beginnings. It is a day to start anew.
As the official newsletter of the Seminary, The Kerux is proud to welcome you to this new year, the first of many welcomes you’ll have in this issue.

Those of you who were familiar with previous year’s versions of The Kerux will probably have noticed that what you have before you is very different. Following the input from Student Senate, The Kerux has embarked on a new and exciting journey (well, at least it’s exciting to us, but we may be biased). The new look The Kerux is striving to be a vehicle of communication for the Seminary community. Here you’ll be able share in the events held in (and sometimes even around) CTS, as we bring you reports. You’ll also be able to preview upcoming events so you don’t miss ones that excite you. You’ll be able to share your thoughts and opinions, opening up discussions around the community. You’ll be able to share your gifts and talents. Most importantly, we hope you’ll be able to share in the brief opportunity for fellowship with one another.


In this issue you’ll find warm messages from the Presidents of the Seminary, the Student Senate, and the Korean Student Association. Those of you who are new to CTS will also get to enjoy some words of advice from students who have run the gamut. You’ll find a different kind of advice, but no less useful, from a professor who has graciously furnished us with the top mistakes new students usually make, giving you an opportunity to those nasty pitfalls your predecessors have fallen into (or perhaps a chance to reform your denigrate ways).

We’re looking forward to serving you this year!
Grace, Peace, and, Love,
The Kerux Team