A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
A prayer for the spring semester

A prayer for the spring semester

Our Lord and Our God,

We come before you today with hearts and minds that are open and willing to receive all that you have for us. As we begin this new semester of seminary, we ask that you would prepare our hearts and minds for the work ahead.

We pray that you would give us the strength and determination to persevere through the challenges that we will face as pastoral students. We know that the road ahead will not be easy, but we trust in your promise to be with us every step of the way. May we be diligent in our studies, seeking to grow in our knowledge and understanding of your Word. May we be faithful in our reading and research, seeking to discover more about your character and your ways.

Grant us the humility to admit when we don’t understand, and the courage to ask for help when we need it. May we be open to the guidance and direction of our professors and mentors, seeking to learn all that we can from them. May we be willing to ask questions and engage in discussions, seeking to deepen our understanding of your truth.

We pray that you would give us a passion for the work of pastoral ministry, and a desire to serve your people with compassion and love. May we be guided by your Spirit as we seek to serve you, and may we be a blessing to all those we encounter. May we be humble servants, willing to go wherever you call us and do whatever you ask of us.

We pray that you would give us wisdom and discernment as we prepare for ministry. May we be able to apply what we are learning to the practical realities of pastoral work, and may we be able to minister to your people with sensitivity and grace. May we be able to speak your truth with courage and love, and may we be able to point your people to you.

We pray that you would give us a heart for evangelism, and a desire to share your love and truth with those who do not yet know you. May we be bold in our witness, and may we be able to lead others to faith in you.

We pray for the communities and congregations that we will serve one day. May you guide us to the places where we are needed most, and may we be able to be a blessing to those we serve. May we be able to minister to the needs of your people, and may we be able to bring your love and hope to those who are hurting.

We trust in your goodness and faithfulness, and we know that you are with us every step of the way. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this seminary community, and for the privilege of preparing for pastoral ministry. We pray that you would use us to bring your love and truth to a world that is desperately in need of it.

In your beautiful holy name we pray, Amen.


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