A Calvin Theological Seminary Publication by Students & Alumni
Contentment, Patience, and God’s Kingdom

Contentment, Patience, and God’s Kingdom

This year, I have endeavoured to approach reading the Bible differently than I have
before. Some year’s I’ve gone through a bible in a year plan with Old and New Testament
assigned readings along with the Psalms. I managed to read through the Bible twice in
one year. That was a good year.

This year, I am endeavouring to read through the whole Bible in 6 months and then
focus on different books of the Bible that either challenge me or make me need to use
my brain to process (i.e. Song of Solomon).

Currently, I have found myself reading through 1 Chronicles. In this book, there are
omissions of David’s sin with Bathsheba, his failure as a father, along with the
controversial God telling David to take a census vs. Satan telling David to take a census.
(If you want a book recommendation that discusses this, “I dare you not to bore me with
the Bible” by Dr. Michael S. Heiser is a great resource)

In my reading, I was struck by the maturity of David during the planning phase of God’s
Temple project.

With much zeal, David fought for the Lord, loved the Lord in a way
unfamiliar to the people of Israel, and desired to construct a house for the


In summary, God responds, “You won’t be able to see the temple built, NOR begin
building it.” How David responds is incredibly humble and profound: he submits to

God’s plan for David and then pursues due diligence for his son Solomon who would
inherit the building project.

In 1 Chronicles 22, David makes preparations for his son (v. 1-5), blesses his son (v. 6-
16) and then uses his influence to bring solid people around his son to glorify God as
best he is able (v. 17).

Although this story has many layers, I’m struck by David. Can you imagine the tension
he would feel? He wouldn’t have any part in his own plans for the temple. He wouldn’t
see the blueprint, oversee the laying of the foundation, and never know whether or not
his son built the temple. Yet David chose to be content in the garden God planted him

Practically speaking, I see a lot of leaders in the church (myself included) that feel the
need to be a part of every great thing in the kingdom of God. Success in the church
youth ministry? Get me a speaking slot! Success in the worship ministry? Let me
produce an album with you! Did something go askew? Why didn’t you involve me!

I say this a lot: human beings want instant gratification. We want to see every excellent
advance face to face, we want to see change instantly, AND in desiring these things, we
also fail to trust God to work in his kingdom after we have gone.

David has much to teach us regarding God’s methodology for building his


David was content with the role God called him to. Although there certainly would be
pain and grief that somebody besides himself would get the credit for his big idea. He
certainly had the materials for it! However, David didn’t base his “success” on
completing a project but on equipping the next generation to continue God’s plan.
Therefore, I would like to make a challenging statement: if we are so determined to see
God work in our lifetime yet fail to trust God work past our own lifetime, we seek to
build our own castle, not God’s kingdom.

In response to this blog post, I want us to reflect on two things

First is to consider this quote by Eugene Peterson: Grow where you’re planted. Where
are you planted in ministry? And what are you planted there for?

Second is to consider who you can disciple and set up for success in the future of God’s
kingdom and not your own.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end
of the age.” Mt 28:18–20.

One comment

  1. Havibg read tjis I thought it was extremely enlightening.

    I appreiate you spending some tine aand effort tto put this syort article together.
    I oncxe gain find mysself spending waay tooo much tie both reaading aand
    commenting. Butt so what, iit wwas still worthwhile!

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